Son Pham

South Perth, Western Australia | +61 439 022 252 |
Mindset of teamwork, responsibility, digiligence, quick learning, creativity and adaptability.
HCMC University of Technology

BSc. Petroleum Geology (2000-2005)

University of Western Australia

Master of Information Technology (2021 - 2023)

data science

Data Science

My whole career is relating to data analytics with the data of geology, reservoir engineering, geological model, drilling and drill bits.
Since year 2017, I started exploring machine learning to apply into my work to be more productive and achieve better analysis result.
software cloud

Software Development & Cloud Computing

I have felt in love with coding since my childhood with my beloved IBM 386 and MS-DOS OS. I resumed my coding learning since year 2015, but take it seriously when learning master degree of IT in UWA.
Web programming is my current focus with the main programming languages of Python, Javascript, and various modern serverless technologies from cloud computing.

Petroleum Geology & Reservoir Engineering

I studied BSc Petroleum Geology in Vietnam and also had 2 years of researching on geological modelling and reservoir flow simulation.
Although I am working with drill bits and drilling application engineering now, I still apply geology knowledge in daily work to consult our customers and team members across Asia Pacific.

Drilling & Drill Bit Application Engineering

I started working for Baker Hughes Drill Bits since year 2008 in several positions, and application engineering is my backbone to ensure the excellent service delivery to our customer operations.
Although I am working with drill bits and drilling application engineering now, I still apply geology knowledge in daily work to consult our customers and team members across Asia Pacific.

PDC Design

My curiosity and desire to exceed customers' expectation do not stop at application engineering but extends to mechanical engineering work by designing PDC bits.
Being able to design PDC bits allows me to implement ideas and resolutions fluidly and rapidly to have actual designs, which shorten the invaluable time to bring the suitable bits to our clients' locations.

Technical Sales, Account Management

I started working for Baker Hughes as a account manager in Vietnam, and then expands my technical sales and account management to customers across Asia Pacific.
My customers are varied from national, international and joint-venture oil & gas companies, whom I enjoy any momenta of my days to support.

Root-Cause Analysis (RCA)

I have been doing RCA since the beginning of the career, and the skill is sharpened drastically over time, especially when it is developed along with other new technical, commercial and coding skills.
As the engineering lead of the whole Asia Pacific region, I have opportunities to resolve highly challenging issues/incidents by implementing the developed RCA skill and gain more RCA experience at the same time.









Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company (JVPC)



Baker Hughes



Baker Hughes



Baker Hughes


Australia - APAC

Baker Hughes